Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Love, The Double-Nickle And A Sink Full Of Dishes

Today is my birthday and I'll be spending it in the office of a doctor. What fun! I've been putting this visit off for a while and I should be happy to be getting it over with.

Fifty-Five! I used to think someone this old was really old! Now it some how doesn't seem so old. At least I'll be able to get discounts at most of the places I do business with in the future. That will be great!

I currently have the mind of a seventeen year old and the body of a seventy-seven year old. So far over the last year I have survived quintuple by-pass surgery and later a body full of blood clots, which were discovered following a pulmonary embolism compounded by massive amounts of fluid in the chest, lungs and abdomen. I can't work. I can only play with the dogs for a couple of minutes at a time. Washing a sink full of dishes is a true chore. Vacuuming the floor puts me down for a few hours. I even get winded just walking to the mail box. In other words, I no longer can run a marathon. I used to say I'd get to see my one-hundredth birthday but now realize I'll do extremely well to see my sixtieth. Such is the result of a lifetime spent without care for one's own future.

Even with all the health issues, I can say I truly am happy. I know my place in this world and understand my journey here. I was put here for four reasons. I am here to get people to talk about me so they will leave all others alone. I am here to make people think and laugh. I am here to show a special someone that things can be better when you're with the right person. I am here to share a song; to make some people smile; to make some people cry; to make some people imagine, “What if?”

I guess I'm just tired today and anxious about what the Doc may say. I anticipate some not-so-good news but hope I'm wrong. Days like today serve to remind me how important it is to tell those around you that you love them. Take my advice and do just that today. You might never get another chance to tell them.

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